Voucher Amenity


Voucher Amenity

Choose the voucher motif you wish to have on its background, write the dedication that will appear on the voucher and specify the number of pieces. You will receive your purchased voucher within 24 hours as a PDF to your chosen email.

What can this type of gift voucher be used for?
Be inspired and give a gift voucher for accommodation, wellness, activities, rentals or a delicious lunch or dinner at Amenity Hotels & Resorts restaurants.

Voucher validity: 2 years.
The voucher can only be used to complete the stay and exhaust the services before its expiry date, which is 2 years and is indicated on the voucher.

1.000 50.000 

SKU: N/A Category:

The holder of the voucher is not entitled to a cash payment of the voucher value in lieu of its redemption. By redeeming the gift voucher, the holder agrees to the General Accommodation Terms and Conditions and the Resort's pricing policy, which are available on the website. In order to redeem the voucher, a prior reservation is required by calling the selected resort or visiting the website www.amenity.cz, indicating the voucher number and its value in the comment field. The voucher cannot be combined with other Amenity Resorts vouchers. The purchase of this multi-purpose voucher, which can be used for several different services provided by Amenity Resorts Ltd., is in accordance with the second sentence of Section 20a(2) of the Value Added Tax Act. Amenity Resorts s.r.o. is therefore not obliged to declare the tax and issue a tax document on the date of receipt of the payment. The issued document thus serves only and exclusively as a proof of payment of the voucher price and cannot be used for the purpose of applying the VAT deduction. The voucher can only be used to complete the stay and exhaust the services before its expiry date, which is 2 years and is indicated on the voucher.

General terms and conditions for purchase and voucher redemption
Withdrawal form
